Splitting California
If there is one thing that terrifies me... it is the possibility of another Republican gaining the White House in 2008. Sure "President Hillary Clinton" sounds quite frightening, however, it sounds ten times better to this blogger than "President Rudi Giuliani." (Sounds far to close to "President Clueless Fuck-tart")
A lot of people seem to be spouting along the lines of "the democrats will definitely win," or "the country is making it clear we are tired of republicans." Of course, all of that talk I'm hearing is coming from either staunch leftists or at least people who spewed the same assuming bullshit in 2004... and Bush actually one that one fair and square.
With a name like "Sean Future" you've gotta hope some sort of prophecy telling abilities are included. Nope, sorry, it is just a stupid name and 2008 is going to be another stupid election. Loads of stupid Americans will go and vote and no matter who wins one thing is always a guarantee; the winner will be someone non-deserving of the presidency, or put more simply, someone fucking stupid.
Regardless, you've gotta be pulling for a democrat if you want anyone in Boston to respect you these days... and I am. Dennis Kucinich is my hero right now although sadly far from a front runner for the democratic nomination.
My main concern is that if one thing is going to quickly and easily rip this election out from under the democrats it has to be the potential splitting of California's electoral votes. California is traditionally a democrat territory with a beautifully large number of electoral votes. If we let this happen we aren't talking about a more fair split. We are talking about the republicans getting to manipulate the system one more time and in a very dramatic way. We are talking about greatly raising the potential for another Bush vs. Gore disaster in which the winner of the election might not be the President elected by the majority of the American people.
If destroying the electoral voting system has ever seemed like a good idea to you, for even a second, this is a dramatically horrific step in the wrong direction. The republicans are trying to force another red-hot coal up the American ass. Make the fucking pain stop!
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